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Hair Transplant




Although, there are many treatments advertised for Male pattern hair loss or Androgenetic Alopecia , Hair transplantation remains the only medically proven and permanent  natural solution. Androgenetic Alopecia affects 70 per cent of the male  population , with Hair transplant surgery becoming increasingly the preferred option for most men. 


Hair transplant surgery is an out -patient  surgical procedure performed by licensed physicians and involves moving individual follicles from the back of the head , known as the "donor site" and transplanting them to the balding area ,known as your 'recipient site". The transplanted follicles are your permanent follicles which are taken from a part of the scalp which is genetically resistant to the hormone that causes hair loss.


This  donor area is typically from just above your occipital bone at the very back of your head and from ear to ear. As a result of the follicles being immune to loss, hair transplantation  provides a permanent solution to hair loss.These "permanent" follicles can also be used to treat other parts of the body that have thin hair such as beards , moustaches, eyebrows and even scars.

Hair Transplant Surgery Overview

Hair Transplant Surgery Overview

Hair Transplant Surgery involves taking healthy, loss-resistant hair from a donor area of your scalp and carefully transplanting it into areas where you have experienced hair loss.


The donor area is usually at the back of your head and behind/above your ears where the hair growth is naturally resistant to hair loss. The transplanted hair continues to grow naturally and is firmly and permanently implanted.

Human hair grows in little packets called “grafts” containing one to four hairs. There are two different ways to extract donor hair grafts: the “F.U.E.” method (Follicular Unit Extraction) and the “F.U.T.” method (“Follicular Unit Transplant“).


While the names of these methods are not particularly helpful, it is essential to understand the difference between them. F.U.E. is performed with a specialised punch-like surgical device that extracts one graft unit at a time. FUE does not leave a linear scar, but does leave tiny scars at each puncture point. These scars are not easy to see.  Thousands of punctures are performed over a wide area to extract the required number of grafts, with the notable advantage of FUE being the ability to cherry pick grafts with the highest number of hairs.

The benefits and pitfalls of each method are hotly debated on the Hair Transplant forums, and we encourage you to  speak to our team to find out as much as possible about both methods.


The Doctors at Hair Transplant International have been at the forefront of Hair Restoration surgery for over 25 years .  This experience allows them to be able to yield more grafts in a single session than most doctors around the world  and that the grafts grow more consistently. Furthermore , we specialise in “megasessions” which can reduce the number of surgeries required to attain the desired results and “dense packing” which allows us to more closely mimic the natural density patients desire.


The success of hair transplant surgery is greatly dependent on the quality, volume and density of your donor hair.  Speak to our team to find out how we may be able to help you.

Book Your Consultation

We will assess your requirements, suitability & provide the options available to suit your budget.

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